Cerita Bergambar Bilingual Madu Sempurna + Halaman Mewarnai

Kota Asal Pengiriman : Kota Bandung


Alkisah, lahirlah seorang bayi tampan. Ketika ia lahir, semua tempayan di rumahnya dipenuhi oleh madu. Anak itu pun dinamai “Madu Sempurna”. Bagaimana begitu banyak madu bisa bermunculan dengan ajaib? Ikuti cerita serunya.

Once upon a time, a handsome baby was born. When he was born, all the crocks in his house were filled with honey. Thus, the child was called “Perfect Honey”. How did so much honey magically appear? Follow the exciting story.

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Judul: Madu Sempurna
Penulis: Karina Chandra
Iustrasi oleh: Cynthia Samantha
Penerbit: Penerbit Yayasan Pengembangan dan Pelestarian Lamrim Nusantara
Ukuran: 21 x 21 x 0.3 cm
Jumlah Halaman:
Cover: Soft Cover
Terbit: 2023


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